August 2022 Newsletter

Thoughts on Permission Granted

‘Permission Granted’ seems to be the one phrase that identifies the core values of the apostolic network and community of Third Day Churches the most. ‘Permission Granted’ contains so much in our living in the Kingdom of God. Permission to do church differently, permission to live in our individual priesthood as a believer, permission to live outside of the religious Christian box, permission to experiment with our passion expression for Jesus. Wow, sounds like Freedom in Christ to me!

Our new discovered freedom of living in Father God’s permission has great heart responsibilities. First, we must live in intimacy with the Godhead - Father, Son Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Intimacy is where lasting freedom is realized. Second, we must discover our heart’s passion of expression. How do we desire to represent Jesus to a dying world? Many have a passion in life for business, education, arts, etc. yet never connect it with representing Jesus. “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteous”, means your passion, your freedom in Christ, your permission must be to His end, His kingdom purpose, not yours alone. “Go into the world and proclaim the Good News of Jesus”, means using your permission, freedom, unique gifting, talents, and anointings to lead others into a life of freedom in Christ.

My prayer for all of us.” Lord, we cry out for a greater intimacy with You, that we may know You. Grant us revelation to walk in Your Permission given to us. Empower us to represent You well to a dying world.”
Amen, Rick Eudy

Rick and his wife Artemis have been ordained with TDC for nearly 10 years but have been co laborers for more than twice that while pastoring churches in the San Diego area.  

His World Impact Ministries - Rick & Artemis Eudy 

We believe all people deserve to live in God’s fullness of life, transformed by the grace and power of Jesus Christ.

Bringing the truth of this good news to those in poverty-stricken areas of East Africa is the heart of His Word Impact Ministries (HWIM). Our hope is to mature the Body of Christ in truth in order to bring them out of poverty. We envision this truth to bring spiritual and economic growth.

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We are hoping to hear from more TDC ordained leaders. Many of you are still out there we haven't heard from. Stay connected; What is God doing; Share your testimony!


September 2022 Newsletter


July 2022 Newsletter